Construir la propiedad duradera de viviendas en comunidades infravaloradas
Barrios estables, fuertes retornos

¿Qué es Blackstar Stability?
El objetivo del Programa de Fondos de Deuda Afligida de Estabilidad de Blackstar es proporcionar a los inversionistas rendimientos atractivos ajustados al riesgo, al tiempo que genera beneficios significativos para las familias de bajos ingresos y de ingresos moderados a través de inversiones que reestructuran hipotecas en dificultades y contratos de venta de tierras.

Impacto Social
Probado, rentable y beneficioso para propietarios y comunidades
Pagos mensuales más bajos
Transferir título a compradores
Reducir las ejecuciones hipotecarias
Aumentar la propiedad de la vivienda
Estabilizar comunidades
Blackstar Stability has a proven business model that stabilizes families by keeping people in their homes. We help maintain and strengthen neighborhoods and communities and put homeowners on a path to stable homeownership.

Modelado en el éxito
Blackstar Stability ("BSS") is modeled on two proven programs that were created and operated by our principals. These programs began at the state-level and were scaled to the national level using both public and private funding. BSS is built using the lessons learned from running the program amid the 2007 Global Financial Crisis and is designed from the ground up using a double-bottom line business model that creates compelling risk-adjusted returns for investors while generating significant benefits for low-income and middle-income families and communities.